Microsoft Office - Excel: Mastering Advanced 365

2 modules



Course Length
360 mins

Pantry of Knowledge


Become an expert in using the world’s most popular software tool for organizing and analyzing data. When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. You can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. If you are comfortable with using Excel for a variety of tasks, let our Microsoft Certified Trainer Kathy Jones walk you through more advanced topics that will take your spreadsheets to the next level and help you to be more efficient in analyzing your data. This course builds on your existing Excel knowledge and teaches you how to use links, Lookup functions, Data Validation, Macros, data tables, and more. This is our most requested training course! Topics covered include: Linking cells and consolidating data Sharing and protecting worksheets Automating data validation and tasks Using Lookup functions Auditing formulas Forecasting data Creating geographic visuals with Map Charts and 3D Map Tours Importing and exporting data Creating a Web Query Working with Forms and ActiveX controls Over 5 hours of high-quality HD content in the “Uniquely Engaging”TM Bigger Brains Teacher-Learner style!


  • Collaborate with others using Track, Comment, Chat, and Share.
  • Consolidate and copy data across worksheets and copy through linking and grouping.
  • Automate functions to save time and effort.
  • Protect a file and workbook.
  • Find and track errors.
  • Create Forecasting models and manipulate variables, find trends.
  • Create 3d Maps, Custom Lists, Queries, and Forms


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate POK Microsoft Skills Certificate

Learning Credits



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Microsoft Office - Excel: Mastering Advanced 365
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Microsoft Office - Excel: Mastering Advanced 365 Survey
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