Microsoft Office - Outlook: Get it Done: Sharing Calendars

2 modules



Course Length
87 mins

Pantry of Knowledge


How do you let everyone know what is going on? If you’re working in an organization and need to share a calendar with your team, what do you do? There are so many options available to make this task effortless. Whether it’s staffing schedules or company holidays, this course will demonstrate a variety of ways you can share a calendar with colleagues, including both printed and online versions. Many people manage with makeshift calendars taped to a wall or emailed around the group. These types of calendars require handwritten updates or multiple emails sent out to the group. There is a better way! In this course, we’ll review multiple options for sharing your calendar with your team, so you can plan, organize, and share events with ease. Topics covered include: - Using calendar templates with Microsoft Word - Printing calendars using external services - Creating and editing calendars using Google and Outlook - Sharing calendars using Google and Outlook - Controlling types of changes others make to your calendar - Managing shared calendars using SharePoint, Groups, or Teams - Working with group calendars using Teamup - Integrating calendars to a website Taught by 25-year IT veteran and Microsoft Silver partner Chip Reaves, Get It Done – Sharing Calendars is designed for beginners to experts who want to share calendars among a group or team. About Get It Done courses: Get It Done courses are task-based training courses developed by Bigger Brains. Each course focuses on a common business task such as managing email, organizing files, or sharing calendars. Courses provide helpful tools, techniques, and best practices to “get it done.” Enjoy high-quality HD content in the “Uniquely Engaging”TM Bigger Brains Teacher-Learner style!


  • Print calendars using different Microsoft apps
  • Print calendars using printing services
  • Share calendars electronically using Google and Outlook
  • Control types of changes others can make to your calendar
  • Create and edit events on your calendar
  • Manage shared calendars using SharePoint, Groups, or Teams
  • Work in groups with Teamup to organize, schedule, and share events
  • Integrate Google, Microsoft, or Teamup calendars to a website


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate POK Microsoft Skills Certificate

Learning credits



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Microsoft Office - Outlook: Get it Done: Sharing Calendars
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Microsoft Office - Outlook: Get it Done: Sharing Calendars Survey
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